
Hello Lizard

Today, while peacefully typing away (Jack was napping), I heard "movement". It sounded as if something was moving a piece of paper. At first I jumped, but it subsided so I typed more. Again it happened, this time I fled the room and peaked back inside, but nothing. So, this continued for a few minutes...typing, noise, Lisa running out the room, bravely re-entering...repeat.
Finally I swore I saw a lizard's head pop out from behind a box lid that was leaning against the wall. I took up position near the door jam and lobbed Jack's toys at the lid until it toppled over revealing a lizard at least 6 inches long. The next logical step was to leave the room and lock the lizard in by stuffing pillows in the doorway (ok, so the lizard could still escape under a pillow, but it made me feel safer).
I have finally re-entered the office, but no lizard. I imagine he has taken up residence nearby, inside the walls or the closet. And, I don't feel very comfortable about a reptile being able to enter my home. Will I see something larger tomorrow? I have a feeling I'm going to have a nightmare about a lizard bringing one of the neighborhood squirrels in.


Anchoring for my Soul said...

I can't believe you didn't catch the lizard and send him on his way. Now he has forever inhabitated your house. Next you'll see him in the kitchen or your bedroom- scarry. Maybe if mom visits she'll find him in the guest room. I guess that's one way to get rid of a mother-in-law to visit:)

We had a fun time hanging out with you guys last weekend. We wish we could do it more often.

Happy lizard hunting!

not2brightGRAM said...

Lisa, I haven't stopped by your blog in a long time, and this post cracked me up! I can just see you scampering out of that room...and peeking back in.

I wonder what would lure a lizard out of his hiding spot. Or maybe he's long gone. Let's hope!