
A Hearty Reputation

Jack's beginning to develop a reputation for a lot of things such as his contagious smile, speed in getting around and comfort in using the word "no". However, he is also quite famous for his ability to consume large amounts of cheerios, Joes' O's, etc. Here are just a few quotes and stories from different aspects of Jack's life:

After picking up Jack from the nursery at church, all of these statements have been used:
"He can really pound those cheerios"
"He ate a lot of cheerios"
"Jack loves those cheerios"

Parental Instruction:
"One at a time Jack"
"Slow down"
"You need to finish swallowing the first handful before you can have more"

Social Interaction
At play dates, and library storytime, no matter what time of day it is, if another mom pulls out a snack for their child Jack is on the quest to take a share of the food. I find myself constantly holding him back from consuming other children's food. He puts on his big smile and then earnestly and rigorously signs "more".

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